How an airport consultancy can help improve the operation

Every airport needs an airport consultancy to make the best decisions and help optimise all the operations carried out at the airport. In this regard, Airport Gurus is the partner of different airports around the world with the best results and we continue to innovate to improve the security and technology of airport facilities.

In which areas is the help of an airport consultancy important?

The main task of an airport consultancy is to make the airport operation as efficient as possible. To this end, the aim is to find the perfect balance between the operational requirements of the airport and the digitisation of as many operations as possible. Here we will take a look at how to implement these measures:

Airport operations

For an airport to function correctly, it is essential to optimise all its operations to the maximum and offer all the guarantees in terms of safety and efficiency. To achieve this objective, it is essential to have action protocols that fit perfectly with the characteristics of the airport facilities and, in addition, comply with the current legal regulations.

These protocols are based on the application of operational manuals and procedures that establish how all the personnel involved in the airport will be coordinated, i.e. the airlines that work there, handling agents, facility staff, official entities, concessionaires, service providers, etc.

An experienced airport consultancy knows how to prepare and implement such documents:

  • SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)
  • AOCC (Airport Operations Control Centre)
  • PMO (Project Management Offices)
  • Master Plans.
  • Emergency and Self-Protection Plans.
  • Operations Manual.
  • Security Programmes

The aim is to achieve maximum optimisation in all operations, procedures and technical instructions associated with the different areas of the airport (maintenance, security, services, operations, etc.). With the implementation and supervision of these measures, a harmonious environment will be created for all workers carrying out operational tasks at the airport and, as a consequence, will also have a positive influence on passengers.

Monitoring of day-to-day operations

An airport, in its daily operations, contemplates a significant number of processes and actions that must be carefully coordinated by a team of qualified professionals, as they affect all the functional areas of the airport. The consultancy firm provides great help in this regard, as it has technicians and engineers who support the airport specialists so that the operations carried out in the facilities are more efficient. Some of these supervision activities are:

  • Control and supervision services of airport works or activities in relation to Quality, Operational Safety and Occupational Safety.
  • Control and monitoring of airport activities in different areas such as services, security, operations, commercial, etc.
  • Engineering of processes.
  • Support for the development and integration of documentation.
  • Supervision of the Environmental Management System.
  • Engineering assistance in plant maintenance.

Security systems in operations

The safety of all operations is one of the most important aspects in the development and analysis of all operations of an airport facility. It is essential to implement all necessary measures to ensure the safety of passengers, aircraft and all agents working in and around the airport.

In this regard, the Airport Manual must be well developed and maintained, and the implementation of operational procedures and protocols related to operational safety must be optimally monitored and verified.

Airport facilities technology

Airports are increasingly investing in Information Technology (IT) with several objectives in mind.  On the one hand, to optimise airport operations and also to improve passenger comfort and safety. According to data from SITA, a leading international telecommunications company in technological services for the aeronautical sector, airport investment in IT will increase by 37% in 2022 compared to the previous year.

Increasing war tensions have led many airports to increase security with new technological systems. However, passenger processing technology remains the top priority, with investment down 59% in 2021.

By 2022, most airports around the world will allow self-service check-in of passengers and their baggage. This is one of the main investments of airports in the short and medium term. On the other hand, 90% of airports around the world are implementing projects related to mobile services. In the next five years, 74% of airports will launch test projects on passenger recognition and location technology.

Airports are also investing in technology to generate revenue through the purchase of airport services via their app. In addition, there is a trend towards providing users with public and hybrid WI-Fi services that combine free internet service with commercial offerings.

At Airport Gurus we are at your disposal to optimise all functional areas of airport facilities. Contact us and tell us what you need.

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