Work with us

Work with us

If you are interested in joining our team please send us your personal details and work experience and we will be delighted to give you a chance to become a Guru!

    If you are interested in joining our team please send us your personal details and work experience and we will be delighted to give you a chance to become a Guru!

    New Technologies make Airport Gurus closer than ever.
    Please do not hesitate in contacting us.

    Barcelona Office

    Carrer de les Jonqueres, 18, 5º A-B
    08003 Barcelona

    Madrid Office

    San Fernando Business Park
    Av. de Castilla 2, Building “D”, 2º Floor
    28830 San Fernando de Henares, Madrid

    Lima Office

    Av Javier Prado Oeste 2061, dpto 303
    San Isidro, Lima